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Monday, June 21, 2010

Shoot Me! Shoot Me!

Being a photographer is a P.I.T.A.!  I mean REALLY......

As a little person it can be challenging.  Cameras are heavy.  Lenses are heavy.  Or, maybe you just are not tall enough to get the shot.

It is a LOT of pressure....pressure to get the right shot.  Pressure to get the shots organized on your multiple computers off your multiple cameras.  Pressure to get them to all your friends and family before the next holiday or event.  Pressure to keep up with technology.  Pressure to always have the camera with you.

Then, there are the friends that don't want you to tag them in your shots because they are not currently happy with their appearance.  There is the responsibility of remembering who those friends are and at what points in their lives they don't want to be tagged.

Additionally, it is a challenge always being the bad guy.  No one likes their pic taken and people get grumpy if your flash goes off more than once.

Longing is a real problem too....longing to learn the equipment, longing to be good, longing to work for National Geographic year after year.....*sniffle*.  Even longing to get an accurate business card, web site, or portfolio.

OCD and photography do not get along.  You want the newest pic all the time posted here, or there.  It is exasperating I tell you.  Especially exasperating when life moves so fast!
Christmas Day 2009

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