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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Odds and Ends

Inspector Gadget.  Remember that cartoon?  I used to LOVE it!  Just recently I began reminiscing about Penny and her computer book.....ahhh *big grin* you remember?  How bad did I (and prob you too) want one of those?  It did anything and everything and you could just carry it around!  Totally portable!  As I pressed the home button on my new iphone4 I let out a sigh of relief.  At least one of my childhood dreams came true <3


I went to yoga tonight.  They made an announcement that the studio will be closed from Saturday until Tuesday for remodeling.  This is great news because they are going to be having the classes on the beach!  I have never officially done yoga on the beach (although I have done it by myself a little) and it seems like such a cool (actually anything but) thing to do!  I hope to coerce my cousin to take the AM class after our sunrise photo shoot Saturday morning.  


All this talk about yoga and sunrise leads me to have to say....OH MY GOD I FEEL GREAT!
I've been afraid to utter the words but it's true!  Remember all my posts about lacking motivation and energy? I just wanted to sleep all the time?  Well,  I am waking up with a skip in my step...energetic, happy, motivated.  I have to tell ya'll it is really freaking weird.  I cannot remember the last time I felt this good.  Seriously.  What do I have to give credit to?  I have no idea.  Same diet.  Pretty much same sleep pattern.  Hmmmm well I am gonna just pray to my awesome God above that he does not take it away from me.  Yesterday I set up my iphone, downloaded a million pics to my Mac, took the dogs for their shots etc.  I am rocking and rolling and yee haw I hope it never ends.


I hate to feel good when those I care about do not feel good.  My one and only sister (even if not biological) is spending her day today in Wisconsin.  Her Mom just passed away with brain cancer and she had the funeral today 10 hours from home.  With everything in me I wish I could take some of her pain away from her.

My cousin has been having an epically ridiculous week at work after a great week on vacation.  Again, I wish there was something I could do. *sigh*  I just shook my head pondering how in the hell things can go so very wrong so very fast?  It is crazy! 

I guess this is what life is all about... ups and downs sometimes quicker than a roller coaster.  I always anticipate the next swing when things are going too "right".  I just brace myself.  I am a strong believer in life after death.  I think that when we die we go up and plan out the next round.  This is all necessary to learn all the lessons.  After all, we could never learn everything in one round.  I think to myself: how would I have planned my life?  Would I have chosen to have all the good to happen in the beginning, or the end, or spread out through the middle?  Does one really bad event like losing your mom as an infant "even out" to years of say being picked on in school as a kid?  Some souls are just so obviously older than others....
Anyway, I am going to end my rant here as I must go enjoy the sunset :)

sunset from Bahamas cruise ship

sunset from Bahamas road

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